
GP Rate Pro version

  • Implemented automatic conversion of local Letterhead/Signature image paths to network
  • Implemented notification of update Letterhead/Signature image paths to computers on the local network
  • Fixed: Notification emails may be sent not to all parties in some cases
  • Fixed: RatePro looses access to UPS when the access is renewed on other computers
  • Fixed: Number of Packages with Commodity field is not visible for international UPS shipments
  • Fixed: Recreated Shipment to Canada looses State
  • Fixed: Default Document is not added automatically in Documents window after entering Canadian Postal Code, checking Documents Only, and switching to International
  • Fixed: “Description is missing” message prevents adding documents in Documents window
  • Added default Company Logo for FedEx International Electronic Trade Documents
  • Added a dialog which allows to set selected Signature Image as default
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Fixed: International controls are not displayed when Shipment to Canada is recreated
  • Fixed: Unable to add Documents when Documents button is clicked before getting rates
  • New FedEx API
  • New UPS API
  • Per-Package Additional Handling option
  • Improved Address Verification
  • Added FedEx Shipment Audit report
  • Added UPS Shipment Audit report
  • Removed Store email from error reporting during automatic voiding of Shipments
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Added updating of Residential status and Zip+4 when invalid suite number is detected during FedEx Address Verification