
GP Rate Pro version

  • Updated First Class Flats Markups
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Updated USPS Stamp rates and surcharges
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Fixed USPS delivery dates
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Fixed issue with no DHL rates when GoGreen Plus is turned on in MyDHL+
  • Added missing DHL GoGreen Plus surcharge to Service Charges table
  • Shipping Totals by Service report: Added Packaging Type and Packaging columns
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Fixed Total Projected Avg. Profit in Shipping Totals reports
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Added collumns for Projected Avg. Profit and % of Services to Shipping Totals reports
  • Fixed printing of service names in Flat Rate Boxes markups and Envelope markups
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Made columns for Packaging, Weight, Dimensions, Ins. Value, Price, and Actual Cost in Package Search window hidden by default
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Changed Residential option for DHL to DHL On Demand
  • Added columns for Packaging, Weight, Dimensions, Ins. Value, Price, and Actual Cost to Package Search window
  • Implemented display of per-package tracking numbers in Package Search window
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Fixed error when trying to save/process USPS First Class Mail International Flat shipment with GlobalPost insurance
  • Export Drop-Off Data: Added ability to select any combination of carriers
  • Export Drop-Off Data: Added ability to exclude customer information
  • Export Drop-Off Data: Removed Id column
  • Export Drop-Off Data: Changed xlsx format to csv
  • Export Drop-Off Data: Excluded duplicate tracking numbers in the same drop-off
  • Added a search by Tracking Number to Package Search window
  • Implemented display of an error when USPS dimentions are exceeded
  • Fixed alignment of controls when window width is changed in Daily Shipping Report and Voided/Canceled Shipments Report.
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • Implemented: Always use store name and address as Shipped From on SCAN Form
  • GP Rate Pro version

  • UPS Pickup Summary Report: Removed signature part from Summary page
  • UPS Pickup Summary Report: Added page numbers
  • UPS Pickup Summary Report: Added header to each page
  • UPS Pickup Summary Report: changed titles for Shipments and Drop-Offs
  • Implemented hiding of Drop Down List of Countries when typing inside country Combo Box in main window
  • GP Rate Pro version

    GP Rate Pro version

  • Fixed error when trying to email a report